Technical Specs
DDM Technology
Equipped with our patent-pending DDM-Technology the GIK Acoustics Turbo Trap Pro significantly punches above its weight absorbing bass and evening out the frequency response and decay times. The ways in which density affects performance of absorption materials is counterintuitive.
After long development and testing, we found the optimal combination of two very specific material densities, arranged in specific ways, offering more effective deep bass absorption than single-density materials used in most conventional bass traps.
As a result you get maximum performance from a minimal footprint.

Featuring our patented DDM Technology the Turbo Trap Pro provides more than twice the low end absorption compared to any foam-based product!
The unique cylinder-shaped design allows for countless placement options. You can use them as traditional corner bass traps or experiment with a free-standing standing setup – the Turbo Trap Pro looks great from every angle!
17″ x 38.5″
22 lbs
Supports up to 100 lbs
Class A fire rated – Click HERE for Fire Rating test results
Greensafe® technology absorption material
Purebond formaldehyde-free technology
Quality hand-made construction and craftsmanship